
You Don’t Own Me

Hey Busyness! You don’t own me!


Skillfully tracking me like prey you wish to devour

Pulsating Anxiety…I feel you

I feel you pounding like a hammer deep into my upper chest and throat

Deep Abiding Angst…I feel you

I feel you raging in the pit of my gut when the expected pace doesn’t rise to the internal demand

Deriving value from perfectionism and coming up empty

Replaying details missed

Inner dialogue cluttered with uncertainty

Analyzing every angle, every what if

WHY do you haunt me!

Hey Busyness! Let’s get something straight…You DON’T own me!

To my task-oriented, list-making self…

Busyness does NOT equal self-worth

You are not a better person by adding another check mark on you never-ending list

Breatheeeeee my sweet self…. Breatheeeeee

Life is richer when you enjoy the journey.